6.1 Inspections should be carried out in accordance with the Valuation Office Agency Code of Practice with the forecourt shop measured to NIA and other buildings measured to GIA for example workshops.
6.2 A 2 page inspection checklist should be completed (see Appendix 2) for all new properties and updated for maintenance work and stored in the property folder of the Electronic Document Records Management (EDRM) system. It is recommended ELDA is used to produce plans including one of the overall site layout.
Unit of Assessment / identifying the hereditament
6.3 On inspection it is first necessary to consider the Unit of Assessment and to identify the hereditament(s).
6.4 It should be noted at many PFS there can often be more than one rateable occupier and unit of assessment and a separate hereditament may need entering into the list, for example separately operated Electronic Delivery Lockers or hand car washes. Full details should be taken and consideration as to whether more than one unit of assessment is required.
6.5 It should however be noted that often there may be separate stand alone buildings on a forecourt operating under a well known brand name, for example providing hot coffee or fast food. In many of these cases, similar to a Motorway Service Area, the operator of the host i.e. the PFS, remains in paramount control of all parts and simply has franchise arrangements with well known brands. In these cases it is expected only one assessment will exist but clarification should be sought on inspection and full facts obtained. Advice can also be provided by Transport CCT members or the NVU.