
Hm Treasury

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Corporate report: UK Government Investments Annual Report and Accounts 2023 24

This annual report and accounts provides an overview of UKGI’s activities during the 2023-24 financial year.

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Press release: AI expert to lead Action Plan to ensure UK reaps the benefits of Artificial Intelligence

UK Science Secretary Peter Kyle has commissioned an Action Plan to identify how AI can drive economic growth.

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Press release: Britain back open for business, Chancellor to tell G20

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves to attend first G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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Open consultation: TCFD aligned disclosure Exposure Draft for Phase 3

Public consultation on HM Treasury's Phase 3 Exposure Draft for Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) -aligned disclosure in annual reports

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Guidance: TCFD aligned disclosure guidance for public sector annual reports

Applying the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations in central government and, where appropriate, the wider public sector

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Guidance: Sustainability Reporting Guidance 2024 25

Guidance on sustainability reporting for central government bodies preparing annual reports and accounts, which may be used by other public sector bodies.

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Guidance: General Licence INT/2022/1710676

A general licence issued by OFSI

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Guidance: Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Handbook

The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee handbook reflects developing best practice in governance.

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Corporate report: The Crown Estate Office annual report and financial statements 2023 to 2024

The Crown Estate Office has published its annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2024.

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Corporate report: The Crown Estate annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024

The Crown Estate has published its annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2024

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Corporate report: Reclaim Fund Ltd Annual Report and Accounts 2023/24

Reclaim Fund Ltd presents its Annual Report and Accounts, covering the 12 month accounting period to 31 March 2024.

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Corporate report: UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account annual report and accounts, 2023 to 2024

Annual report and accounts of the United Kingdom Debt Management Office and the Debt Management Account.

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Corporate report: National Lottery Distribution Fund Investment Account 2023 to 2024

The National Lottery Distribution Fund Investment Account has published accounts for 2023 to 2024.

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Guidance: Preston guidance: June 2024

Preston factors (earnings and interest factors) are provided for employers.

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Guidance: OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1280876

Details of OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1280876

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Accredited official statistics: Public Spending Statistics release: July 2024

The July 2024 national statistics public expenditure outturn release.

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Corporate report: Contingencies Fund account 2023 to 2024

The Contingencies Fund account for 2023 to 2024 has been published.

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Corporate report: Contingencies Fund account 2023 to 2024

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The Contingencies Fund account for 2023 to 2024 has been published.

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Press release: Chancellor vows 'big bang on growth' to boost investment and savings

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Landmark pensions review part of Government’s mission to ‘boost growth and make every part of Britain better off’.  

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Consultation outcome: Enhancing the Special Resolution Regime: Consultation

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This consultation sets out proposals to enhance the UK’s resolution regime for banking institutions (banks, building societies, and PRA-designated investment firms).

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Accredited official statistics: Public sector finances bulletin

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The public sector finances statistical bulletin.

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Press release: Government introduces new Fiscal Lock Law to deliver economic stability and protect family finances

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New law bringing economic stability introduced to the House of Commons following the King’s Speech.

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Policy paper: Draft Charter for Budget Responsibility text on the fiscal lock

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The Budget Responsibility Bill will introduce the ‘fiscal lock’ to ensure fiscally significant announcements made by the government will be subject to an independent assessment by the Office for Budget Responsibility. 

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Corporate report: Main Supply Estimates 2024 to 2025

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HM Treasury has published the central government main supply estimates for 2024 to 2025.

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Official Statistics: Forecasts for the UK economy: July 2024

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A comparison of independent forecasts for the UK economy in July 2024.

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Official Statistics: Forecasts for the UK economy: June 2024

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A comparison of independent forecasts for the UK economy in June 2024.

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Corporate report: HM Treasury Main Estimate Memorandum 2024 25

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This memorandum provides information on HM Treasury’s budgets as included within the 2024-25 Main Estimates.

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Guidance: Accounting Officer templates

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Templates for Accounting Officers and list of Accounting Officers appointed by HM Treasury.

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Guidance: Accounting Officer templates

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Templates for Accounting Officers and list of Accounting Officers appointed by HM Treasury.

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Boost for new National Wealth Fund to unlock private investment

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The Government announces new plans to align key institutions under the National Wealth Fund that will boost growth and unlock investment.

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Chancellor unveils a new era for economic growth

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The Chancellor has today promised to take immediate action to fix the foundations of the economy, rebuild Britain and make every part of the country better off.

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Speech: Chancellor Rachel Reeves is taking immediate action to fix the foundations of our economy

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In her first speech as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves laid out plans to rebuild Britain and make every part of the country better off.

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Policy paper: Policy statement on onshore wind

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Makes revisions to planning policy that place onshore wind on the same footing as other energy development in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

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Policy paper: Policy statement on onshore wind

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Makes revisions to planning policy that place onshore wind on the same footing as other energy development in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

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Speech: Chancellor Rachel Reeves statement to HM Treasury 5 July 2024

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The Chancellor has today (05 July 2024) given her first speech to His Majesty's Treasury (HMT) staff.

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Guidance: UK Trade Tariff: duty suspensions and autonomous tariff quotas

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Temporary duty suspensions and autonomous tariff quotas for importing goods into the UK.

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Guidance: OFSI General licence INT/2024/4919848

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Details for General licence INT/2024/4919848 Sale, divestment and transfer of financial instruments held by the NSD and payment of safe keeping fees to the NSD

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Guidance: OFSI General licence INT/2024/4907888

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Details for OFSI General licence INT/2024/4907888 - Payments for Visa Application Services

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Research: UK official holdings of international reserves: June 2024

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This release details movements in the international reserves of gold and assets held by the UK Government.

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Guidance: Whole of Government Accounts 2023 to 2024: guidance for preparers

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Guidance for central government and local government preparers for Whole of Government Accounts.

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Guidance: OFSI General licence INT/2024/4881897

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Details for OFSI General licence INT/2024/4881897 - Payments to Revenue Authorities

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Accredited official statistics: GDP deflators at market prices, and money GDP June 2024 (Quarterly National Accounts)

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This document contains the latest gross domestic product (GDP) deflators. The GDP deflator can be viewed as a measure of general inflation in the domestic economy.

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Guidance: Russian Oil Services ban

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Guidance, General Licences and reporting forms in relation to the Maritime Services Ban and Oil Price Cap Exception.

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Guidance: OFSI General licence INT/2024/4888228

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Details for OFSI General licence INT/2024/4888228 - Statutory Audit Fees

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Guidance: Financial sanctions, Russia

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The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 ensure sanctions relating to Russia are implemented effectively after the UK leaves the EU.

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