
Home Office

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Promotional material: Asylum accommodation: Bexhill

Information about the Northeye site at Bexhill.

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Guidance: Lord Ferrers Awards 2024

The Lord Ferrers Awards recognise outstanding contributions to volunteering in policing.

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Guidance: Compensation scheme for 'zombie' knives and machetes

How to surrender prohibited offensive weapons and claim compensation under the scheme. The scheme applies to ‘zombie-style’ knives and 'zombie-style' machetes.

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Criminals and immigration offenders removed on charter flight

46 foreign criminals and immigration offenders have been returned to Vietnam and Timor-Leste on a groundbreaking charter flight.

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Guidance: Returning to your home country voluntarily: how the service works

An overview of the Voluntary Returns Service (VRS) process, what happens once an application is received and practical information for applicants.

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Official Statistics: Windrush Compensation Scheme data: June 2024

Data on claims and payments made under the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

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Accredited official statistics: Primary fires, fatalities and casualties in care homes in England by source of ignition and victim age and gender

New analysis of primary fires, fatalities and casualties in care homes in England by source of ignition and victim age and gender.

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Transparency data: Ukraine Visa Schemes: visa data

Latest operational data on applications to come to or stay in the UK under the Ukraine Visa Schemes and Ukraine Extension Scheme.

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Accredited official statistics: Incidents in non dwelling properties

New analysis of incidents in non-dwelling properties.

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Statistical data set: Fire statistics data tables

The Home Office collects detailed information on incidents attended by Fire and Rescue Services.

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Accredited official statistics: Police workforce, England and Wales: 31 March 2024

Statistics on police workforce numbers in the 43 police forces in England and Wales and the British Transport Police.

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Guidance: Managing detained individuals' money over £1000

Detention services order 5/2011 about managing detained individuals' money over £1000.

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Guidance: How to apply for British citizenship as a person of Chagossian descent

Registration as a British Overseas Territories citizen and British citizen: Chagossian descendant.

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Transparency data: Workforce management information, 2024

Data showing the number of staff employed at different grades in the Home Office, our agencies and executive non-departmental public bodies.

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Guidance: Reception and induction checklist and supplementary guidance

Detention services order 06/2013 about the reception and induction checklist and supplementary guidance.

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Guidance: Reception and induction checklist and supplementary guidance

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Detention services order 06/2013 about the reception and induction checklist and supplementary guidance.

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Accredited official statistics: Police workforce open data tables

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Breakdowns of workforce numbers by police force area, English region and Wales.

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Official Statistics: Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables

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Police recorded crime and outcomes detailed figures and supplementary material including a user guide.

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Form: Application for registration as a British citizen (form ARD)

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This form is for those who wish to become British citizens and would have automatically been, or been able to become, British citizens but for factors beyond their control.

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Contract for Bibby Stockholm not renewed past January 2025

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The Minister for Border Security and Asylum has made the decision not to renew the contract for use of the Bibby Stockholm barge.

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Guidance: National ANPR standards

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These documents relate to law enforcement automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) and the National ANPR Service (NAS).

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

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Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Transparency data: Workforce diversity and attendance management information

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Departmental workforce diversity and attendance management information for civil servants employed in the Home Office.

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

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Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Transparency data: Home Office procurement card spend over £500: 2024

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Details of all government procurement card transactions of £500 and over for 2024.

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Corporate report: Forensic Information Databases annual report 2022 to 2023

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The report includes information on the National Fingerprint Database policing collections and the National DNA Database.

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Guidance: Notice of rights and entitlements: English (PACE Code I)

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English notice of rights and entitlements that came into force on 20 December 2023.

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Transparency data: Non technical summaries granted in 2024

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Projects granted under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 in 2024.

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Form: Annual appraisal for forensic pathologists

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Forms and guidance for forensic pathologists on the annual appraisal process.

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Guidance: Managing detainees' money over £1000

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Detention services order 5/2011 about managing detainees' money over £1000.

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

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Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Transparency data: Ukraine Visa Schemes: visa data

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Latest operational data on applications to come to or stay in the UK under the Ukraine Visa Schemes and Ukraine Extension Scheme.

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Guidance: Afghan citizens resettlement scheme

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The Home Office has announced further details of the Afghan citizens resettlement scheme.

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

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Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Guidance: Internet access for detainees

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Detention services order 04/2016 about internet access for detainees.

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Guidance: The police pension scheme 2015: administrators’ guide

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This scheme is established by regulations (the Police Pensions Regulations 2015) made under the Public Service Pensions Act 2013, which came into force on 1 April 2015.

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Young Brits warned of dangers of modern slavery abroad

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Young people travelling to popular holiday destinations to work in bars and clubs have been given advice on the dangers of labour exploitation.

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

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Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Official Statistics: National DNA Database statistics

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Provides National DNA Database statistics on a quarterly basis.

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Guidance: Tuberculosis testing in Turkey

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Where to get tested for tuberculosis (TB) in Turkey for your UK visa application.

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Transparency data: Small boat activity in the English Channel

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Data on the number of migrants arriving in the UK in small boats and those who were prevented by French authorities from crossing the English Channel.

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Guidance: EU Settlement Scheme: Border Force guidance

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Guidance for Border Force officers dealing with EU, EEA and Swiss passengers and their family members who arrive at the UK border.

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Pubs to stay open late as England bid to bring football home

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Pub and bar licensing hours will be extended on Sunday after England reach the final of the UEFA European Football Championship.

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