
The Scottish Government

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Closed consultation: Revocation and amendment of food and drink assimilated laws

We are seeking views on proposals to revoke or amend a range of food and drink assimilated laws, previously known as Retained EU Law.

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Guidance: Apply for a certificate of exemption to keep an XL Bully dog (Scotland only)

Applications for a certificate of exemption have now closed.

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Press release: Proposals to expand the UK Emissions Trading Scheme

The UK Emissions Authority has published a package of consultations on expanding the UK Emissions Trading Scheme, to further limit carbon emissions.

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Open consultation: Ddirymu a diwygio’r cyfreithiau bwyd a diod a gymathwyd

Rydym yn gofyn am sylwadau ar gynigion i ddirymu neu ddiwygio amryw o gyfreithiau bwyd a diod a gymathwyd, oedd yn cael eu hadnabod gynt fel Cyfraith yr UE a Ddargadwyd.

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Open consultation: Revocation and amendment of food and drink assimilated laws

We are seeking views on proposals to revoke or amend a range of food and drink assimilated laws, previously known as Retained EU Law.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change

A note of the meetings held by the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change.

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Consultation outcome: Wet wipes containing plastic: proposed ban on the manufacture, supply and sale

The UK Government, Welsh Government, Scottish Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland want your view on a proposed ban on the manufacture, supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic in the UK. The proposal is aimed at reducing plastic and microplastic pollution, particularly in our waters.

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Guidance: Apply for a certificate of exemption to keep an XL Bully dog (Scotland only)

From 1 August 2024, it will be an offence to keep an XL Bully dog in Scotland unless you have a certificate of exemption.

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The Scottish Government File Picture

Guidance: Apply for a certificate of exemption to keep an XL Bully dog (Scotland only)

From 1 August 2024, it will be an offence to keep an XL Bully dog in Scotland unless you have a certificate of exemption.

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Press release: New measures to help protect poultry industry from bird flu

New registration requirements for bird keepers in Great Britain - all bird keepers must register their birds and update records annually.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change

A note of the meetings held by the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change.

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Policy paper: North Sea and Channel sprat fisheries management plan (FMP)

The North Sea and Channel sprat FMP will set out how we will achieve the long-term sustainable management of sprat fisheries in the relevant English and Scottish waters.

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Policy paper: UK REACH: rationale for priorities

An explanation of the rationale used to prioritise substances for potential regulatory action under UK REACH.

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Consultation outcome: Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping

A consultation on the proposed actions the UK Government and devolved administrations will take to tackle smoking and youth vaping.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee

A note of the meetings held by the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee.

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Consultation outcome: Plant varieties and seeds strategy: call for ideas

Seeking views on our plans for a plant varieties and seeds strategy.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change

A note of the meetings held by the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change

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A note of the meetings held by the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Interministerial Group for Transport Matters

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A note of the meetings held by the Interministerial Group for Transport Matters.

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Consultation outcome: Regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates

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We are seeking views on the legislation that will enable the GMC to regulate anaesthesia associates (AAs) and physician associates (PAs) in the UK.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

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A note of the meetings held by the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change

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A note of the meetings held by the Interministerial Group for Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change.

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Open consultation: Ymgynghoriad ar y gwaharddiad arfaethedig ar weithgynhyrchu, cyflenwi a gwerthu weips gwlyb sy'n cynnwys plastig

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Hoffai Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, Llywodraeth Cymru, Llywodraeth yr Alban ac Adran Amaethyddiaeth, Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig Gogledd Iwerddon gael eich barn ar waharddiad arfaethedig ar weithgynhyrchu, cyflenwi a gwerthu weips gwlyb sy'n cynnwys plastig yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Nod y cynnig yw lleihau llygredd plastig a microblastig, yn enwedig yn ein dyfroedd.

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Open consultation: Wet wipes containing plastic: proposed ban on the manufacture, supply and sale

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The UK Government, Welsh Government, Scottish Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland want your view on a proposed ban on the manufacture, supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic in the UK. The proposal is aimed at reducing plastic and microplastic pollution, particularly in our waters.

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Open consultation: Review of technical guidance for crematoriums

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Seeking views on updated guidance for the limiting of emissions from crematoriums.

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Emissions scheme to reduce sale of carbon allowances on path to net zero

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Tighter emission limits for industries under the UK Emissions Trading Scheme, as the 2024 carbon allowance auction calendar is published.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Inter Ministerial Group for Justice

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A note of the meetings held by the Inter-Ministerial Group for Justice.

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Consultation outcome: UK mandatory water efficiency labelling

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Seeking views on the introduction of mandatory water efficiency labelling on water using products.

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Guidance: Investment Zones in Scotland: Policy model & place selection methodology

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Summary of policy model and approach to place selection for Investment Zones in Scotland.

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Consultation outcome: Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)

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The UK ETS Authority is seeking views on the development of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme.

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Guidance: Laying hens and flocks: poultry testing for salmonella

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When and how to take samples for the salmonella national control programme (NCP) if you’re an egg producer, and what happens if a laying flock tests positive.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee

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A note of the meetings held by the Finance: Interministerial Standing Committee.

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Consultation outcome: Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)

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The UK ETS Authority is seeking views on the development of the UK Emissions Trading Scheme.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

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A note of the meetings held by the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

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Consultation outcome: Plant varieties and seeds strategy: call for ideas

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Seeking views on our plans for a plant varieties and seeds strategy.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

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A note of the meetings held by the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

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Guidance: Scottish Green Freeports: set up phase guidance

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This guidance outlines the processes winners of the Scottish Green Freeports competition must complete to become operational Green Freeports.

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Guidance: Scottish Green Freeports: set up phase guidance

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This guidance outlines the processes winners of the Scottish Green Freeports competition must complete to become operational Green Freeports.

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Corporate report: Memorandum of understanding: social security and employment support services in Scotland

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Memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Scottish Ministers (SM) and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (SSWP) on joint working arrangements covering the implementation of devolved provisions in the Scotland Act 2016 relating to Social Security and Employment Support Services in Scotland.

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Research: British Wool Review 2022

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The British Wool Review outlines the findings and recommendations of the analysis of the current operating model of the British Wool Board.

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Research: British Wool Review 2022

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The British Wool Review outlines the findings and recommendations of the analysis of the current operating model of the British Wool Board.

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Policy paper: Communiqués from the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

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A note of the meetings held by the Inter Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

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Press release: Consultation launched on new registration rules for all bird keepers in Great Britain

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Defra to consult on registration rules for bird keepers in Great Britain.

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Guidance: Scottish Green Freeports decision making note

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This document sets out clearly the decision-making process for determining Green Freeport locations.

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Policy paper: Air Quality: Revised UK National Air Pollution Control Programme

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The National Air Pollution Control Programme (NAPCP) sets out measures and analysis for how emission reduction commitments can be met across the UK.

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