
Now that Ofsted has moved to GOV.UK youll find our content is organised differently from before.
One of the main ways to find content on GOV.UK is by searching for it. You can find the GOV.UK search box at the top of any page or you can search straight from Google or any other search engine.
This article should help you navigate your way around our content on GOV.UK while youre getting used to its new format.
Inspection reports
Our inspection reports are now at www.reports.ofsted.gov.uk and are linked to from our new home page.
Document collections
Weve created document collections to help you find all content about the inspections we do in the same place:
- Ofsted inspection of residential provision in further education colleges
- Ofsted inspections of maintained schools
- Ofsted inspections of childrens centres
- Ofsted inspections of further education and skills providers
- Ofsted inspections of boarding and residential provision in schools
- Ofsted inspections of non-association independent schools
- Ofsted inspections of local authority childrens services
- Ofsted inspections of residential special schools
- Ofsted inspections of registered childcare providers
- Ofsted inspections of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
- Ofsted inspection of early years providers
- Ofsted inspections of residential holiday schemes for disabled children
- Ofsted inspections of residential family centres
Good practice examples
We have gathered our good practice examples into collections by subject and you can see these at the bottom of our inspections collections page.
Survey reports
Our subject and thematic survey reports are published as research and analysis publications on GOV.UK and can be found using the filters in the publications search. You can see a list of all our survey reports on GOV.UK.
Consultations and statistics have their own listings.
Archived content
A lot of our older content can still be found in the National Archives. Access our previous press releases, statistics or research using the following links.
There are two pages about complaining to Ofsted:
Our other sites
We also have a suite of other websites, including Parent View, Employer View, Learner View, Data View, the Data Dashboard and Ofsted Online. These are not affected by the move to GOV.UK.
Childcare registrations and payments
There is information about registering to provide childcare and paying a registration and annual fee.