
Guidance: CWA codes guidance

Legal Aid Agency

September 1
10:03 2022

Civil rejection code guidance

Procurement Areas and Access Points

Guidance for reporting work under the mediation contract

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Codes to use for submissions to LAA Online, including:

  • civil codes, including rejection codes
  • crime codes
  • codes for procurement areas, access points and delivery locations

CWA user guides

Published 1 June 2014
Last updated 1 September 2022 +show all updates
  1. CWA changes following introduction of early billing for asylum standard fee cases

  2. An error message has been amended to provide clarity as to what is required of the Tolerance Indicator and dependents.

  3. Updated Procurement Areas with related Access Points added. Changes are in Immigration and, Immigration - Asylum sections. New codes are PA00187 and PA00188.

  4. CWA Changes as a result of the

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