
Statistical data set: Immigration system statistics data tables, year ending March 2023

Home Office

June 20
11:15 2023

The Home Office has changed the format of the published data tables for a number of areas (asylum and resettlement, entry clearance visas, extensions, citizenship, returns, detention, and sponsorship). These now include summary tables, and more detailed datasets (available on a separate page, link below). A list of all available datasets on a given topic can be found in the Contents sheet in the summary tables. Information on where to find historic data in the old format is in the Notes page of the summary tables.

The Home Office intends to make these changes in other areas in the coming publications. If you have any feedback, please email

Immigration system statistics, year ending March 2023
Immigration system statistics quarterly release
Immigration system statistics user guide
Publishing detailed data tables in migration statistics
Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline
Immigration statistics data archives

Asylum and resettlement

Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 94.4 KB)

Detailed asylum and resettlement datasets


Sponsorship summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 48 KB)

Detailed sponsorship datasets

Entry clearance visas granted outside the UK

Entry clearance visas summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 48.3 KB)

Detailed entry clearance visas datasets

Passenger arrivals (admissions)

Passenger arrivals (admissions) summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 28.5 KB)

Detailed passengers refused entry at the border datasets


Extensions summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 27.8 KB)

Detailed extensions datasets


Settlement summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 40.2 KB)

Detailed settlement datasets


Citizenship summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 37.3 KB)

Detailed Citizenship datasets


Returns summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 44.4 KB)

Detailed returns datasets


Detention summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 67 KB)

Detailed detention datasets

European Economic Area

European Economic Area summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 29.4 KB)

Detailed EEA datasets

Ukraine visa schemes

Ukraine visa schemes summary tables, year ending March 2023 (ODS, 27.9 KB)

Experimental statistics: Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation

Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation, year ending June 2022 (ODS, 33.5 KB)

Regional and Local Authority data

Regional and Local authority dataset

Transfers to the UK under Section 67 of the Immigration Act 2016


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