Opportunity for veterinary students to apply to attend a one-week extramural studies (EMS) placement in July 2025.
Veterinary Medicines Directorate
- Guidance: Lulworth firing times
- Guidance: Dartmoor firing times
- Transparency data: Civil Service HQ occupancy data
- Guidance: MCA approved training providers (ATP)
- Statutory guidance: Manage your fishing effort: Sole Recovery Zone 2025 to 2026
- Statistical data set: Quota use statistics
- Guidance: United Kingdom Single Issuing Authority (UKSIA)
- Accredited official statistics: Seizures of drugs in England and Wales, financial year ending 2024
- Form: Apply for a conditional order to annul your marriage or civil partnership: Forms D84NVA and D84NV
- Miss M Miller v Greggs PLC: [2025] EAT 21
Prescribing or supplying veterinary medicines including requirements for registration and inspection of premises.
Marketing Authorisations Veterinary Information Service (MAVIS) Hub edition 133.
Reported problems with the supply of an animal medicine and the date when the issue is expected to be resolved.
Senior Safety Assessor vacancy, working on authorising veterinary medicines in the UK.
VMD response to concerns raised following media reports of serious adverse events in cats administered Solensia.
VMD response to concerns raised following media reports of serious adverse events in cats administered Solensia.
Vacancies for Application Co-ordinator roles, working on applications received in respect of veterinary medicine marketing authorisations.
How to complete and submit the turnover declaration form as the holder of a UK marketing authorisation.
Information on authorised vaccines and vaccination schedules for dogs.
Details of certificates issued under the Special Import System for the top ten veterinary medicines that were imported 1 October to 31 December 2024.
Residues of veterinary medicines in food 2024 surveillance results, a rolling summary.
References and list of enforcement notices and prosecutions which involved illegal activity with animal medicines in the last year.
Reporting against VMD published standards up to 31 March 2025.
Director Support Office vacancy, working to support our Directors and Senior Colleagues.
Online training event on Wednesday 5 March 2025 ideal for anyone involved in veterinary dispensary roles.
Urgent and clinically significant safety updates arising from pharmacovigilance data, including reported adverse events, for veterinary medicines authorised in the UK.
Urgent and clinically significant safety updates arising from pharmacovigilance data, including reported adverse events, for veterinary medicines authorised in the UK.
VMD response to concerns raised following media reports of serious adverse events in dogs administered Librela.
Benefit-Risk Submission Report (BRSR) and Pharmacovigilance Sales Submission (PSS) templates and guidance for completion of BRSRs, PSSs and signal notifications.
Change to the information provided on adverse events in the Summary of Product Characteristics for Meflosyl 5% Solution for Injection, authorised for use in horses.
Reporting against VMD published standards up to 31 March 2025.
Fees are charged for new marketing authorisation (MA) applications and variations to MAs.
References and list of enforcement notices and prosecutions which involved illegal activity with animal medicines in the last year.
References and list of enforcement notices and prosecutions which involved illegal activity with animal medicines in the last year.
Requirements for an Animal Test Certificate (ATC) to carry out the field trial of a veterinary medicine in animals (clinical trial) in the UK.
Application form to make a change to an animal test certificate (ATC).
Application form for a licence to conduct a clinical trial using an animal medicine (animal test certificate).
Urgent and clinically significant safety updates arising from pharmacovigilance data, including reported adverse events, for veterinary medicines authorised in the UK.
Over 13,000 AbPrazole and Absucralfate products destined for sites across the UK were seized by VMD enforcement officers.
Guidance for the pharmaceutical industry on how to apply to vary a veterinary Marketing Authorisation (MA) or Homeopathic Remedy.
Increase in suspected adverse event reports following use of Genta-Equine 100 mg/ml Solution for Injection for Horses.
Who you should contact if a pet or other animal or human has an unexpected reaction to a veterinary medicine or a problem with a microchip.
How to comply with the exemption from the Veterinary Medicines Regulations that allow certain animal medicines to be sold without a marketing authorisation.
Explainer for the pharmaceutical industry on the implementation of Pharmacovigilance requirements during the transition time from the date the revised VMR have effect in GB to 17 May 2027.
Benefit-Risk Submission Report (BRSR) and Pharmacovigilance Sales Submission (PSS) templates and guidance for completion of BRSRs, PSSs and signal notifications.
Explanation of what Pharmacovigilance means and who is responsible. These documents must be read with the Implementation Explainer at VMD Information Hub.
Pharmacovigilance Assessors vacancies within the Authorisations Division.
Criteria applied by the VMD for accepting and agreeing the invented name of veterinary medicinal products.
All national applications will be processed on one of six timetables that vary in length depending on the complexity and nature of the application under assessment.
Head of Regulatory Affairs vacancy, working on the authorisation, use, and manufacture of veterinary medicines in the UK.
In person training event on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole, delivered by VMD inspectors.
Antimicrobial Use, Stewardship and Stakeholder Engagement Manager vacancy, working on the VMD’s Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) policy and surveillance.
Senior External Communications Manager vacancy, working on the VMD’s strategic communications.
Synergy Delivery and Business Change Lead vacancy, working on the delivery and implementation of the Synergy programme for the VMD.
Ministerial Departmental News
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- Department of Health
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- See all departments