Treasure Valuation Committee

Gail Boyle
Gail Boyle is Senior Curator (Archaeology & World Cultures) for Bristol Culture. She has been a successful museum archaeologist for over 35 years and played leading roles in a wide variety of innovative, complex and collaborative exhibition, engagement and research projects. As well as being a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Gail was awarded the Fellowship of the Museums Association (2018) in recognition of the significant contribution she has made to the museum sector. Gail also sits on several UK heritage and museum related bodies, including Historic Englands Future Archaeological Archives Programme and the Portable Antiquities Scheme Advisory Group.
As former Chair of the Society for Museum Archaeology (20122018) Gail instigated and co-authored 3 national surveys of Museums Collecting Archaeology (2016-2018), and produced national guidance on the rationalisation of archaeological collections. She was also the chief architect of the Society for Museum Archaeologys Archaeological Resources and Training project and was both a contributor to, and editor of, new Standards and Guidance in the Care of Archaeological Collections 2020.
Remuneration and Governance Code
Members of the Treasure Valuation Committee are not remunerated. This reappointment has been made in accordance with the Cabinet Offices Governance Code on Public Appointments. The appointments process is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Under the Code, any significant political activity undertaken by an appointee in the last five years must be declared. This is defined as including holding office, public speaking, making a recordable donation, or candidature for election. Gail Boyle has not declared any significant political activity. She is an elected member and Chair of Pucklechurch Parish Council. She was last elected in May 2019 and has