
Correspondence: CMA response to DBT'S consultation on price transparency

Competition Markets Authority

October 16
11:00 2023


This is the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)s response to the governments consultation Smarter regulation: improving price transparency and product information for consumers. The government sought views on proposals across important areas of consumer information, with the aim of improving the quality and accessibility of information and helping consumers make informed choices, including in the display of pricing information, hidden fees and drip pricing, fake and misleading reviews and online platforms.

The CMA welcomes the governments proposals to improve consumer protection and stands ready to further assist the government as necessary in developing its proposals.

These proposals, together with the measures already being taken forward in the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill (DMCC), can further support competition and consumer protection in the UK.

Information about the CMAs views on the content of the DMCC Bill can be found in our 2021 consultation response document.

Published 16 October 2023

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