
Consultation outcome: Thames Estuary 2100 (TE2100)

Environment Agency

April 14
09:46 2023

Detail of outcome

We will publish an updated Thames Estuary 2100 Plan in May 2023.

We will also act on feedback in future work, including:

  • developing outcome delivery plans to set out actions needed to implement the Plan
  • publishing an investment strategy by 2025
  • launching a project to engage with communities in west London on managing flood risk
  • continuing to refresh and improve our approach to engagement

Detail of feedback received

We received 57 responses to the consultation. Of these, 33 were from organisations and 24 were from members of the public.

We ran the consultation for 8 weeks, from Monday 26 September to Sunday 20 November 2022.

Respondents told us they want more clarity and guidance to help them to:

  • understand the contents of the Plan
  • be involved in improving the Plan in the future
  • understand their role in implementing the Plan

In particular, respondents said they want to see:

  • how we can deliver wider benefits and enhance sustainability
  • how the Plan will be funded, and options for accessing funding
  • plans to protect west London from flooding
  • how we will communicate with different groups covered by the plan, including local communities
  • help with planning for defence upgrades
  • advice on managing flood risk in areas where it is expected to increase

We have used feedback from the consultation to create the updated Thames Estuary 2100 Plan.

Original consultation


We are seeking your views on the management of flood risk in the Thames Estuary.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Environment Agency and other flood risk management authorities are reviewing and updating our plan for managing flood risk in the Thames Estuary. This plan is a long-term strategy to manage flood risk and climate change impacts in the Thames Estuary.

We want to know your views on what the updated plan should look like and what it needs to include.

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