Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

The workshop, which took place in November 2014, was used to see how regulators from around the globe could create a supportive approach to the development of new medicines, in light of the high unmet medical need for dementia.
View conclusions and recommendations from the workshop.
In December 2013, the G8 came together for the first ever G8 Summit on Dementia. The countries present committed to finding a cure or disease modifying therapy for dementia by 2025. The UK government quickly understood that this goal would only be achieved if groups were brought together internationally to work collaboratively and in new, innovative ways.
This work provides important insight, especially in light of the first World Health Organization (WHO) Ministerial Conference on Global Action Against Dementia that is happening in Geneva today (16 March 2015).
In addition, the regulators who have been involved in this work have been supported over the last year by the Department of Healths Integrated Development initiative, which has worked with Raj Long, a Senior Regulatory Officer at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and independent expert.
DH has published the exec summary and recommendations for governments as part of a report from Mrs Long report (to be published in due course) , which summarises the steps that would help to overcome the current challenges in drug development and help drive towards the G8s goal of a cure or disease modifying therapy for dementia by 2025.
You can also watch Mrs Longs presentation at the WHO conference via live streaming.