Maritime Coastguard Agency
All United Kingdom (UK) seagoing Merchant vessels of 500GT or more must hold a Safe Manning Document specifying the minimum manning levels. A Safe Manning Document is also mandatory for all UK flagged yachts over 24m, regardless of GT. Owners and operators of other ships below 500GT may find it advantageous to hold a Safe Manning Document.
Fishing vessels can also obtain a Safe Manning Document to demonstrate the required areas outlined in ILO Work in Fishing Convention (ILO 188). Please see here for further details
All vessels must be adequately manned for their safe operation, with due regard for the nature of their operation and their location.
Merchant vessels
The Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping) Regulations 2022 specify the current requirements for safe manning of Ships over 500GT and you are advised to read these and the advice given in Merchant Shipping Notice MSN 1868 (M) Amendment 1, MSN 1877 (M) Amendment 2, MSN 1841 (M) Amendment 1, Resolution IMO A1047(27) - Principles of Minimum Safe Manning and MGN 610 (M+F) before completing this application.
To apply for a Safe Manning Document for a Merchant vessel please complete the application form MSF 4227 and submit this by email to with the following documents/information:
Certificate of Registry
Confirmation of the date the Safe Manning Document is required by
Details of and a copy of the SMD held by any sister ships on the UK Ship Register
A General Arrangement Plan, unless a sister ship is already on the UK Ship Register.
The fee for a Merchant vessel SMD application is 199 and can be made payable via the GovPay online payment facility
Large yachts (over 24m)
In line with the Red Ensign Group Yacht Code, a Safe Manning Document is mandatory for all UK flagged yachts over 24m, regardless of GT.
Guidance on the required minimum manning and certificates to be held for Yachts over 24m can be found in:
- section 13 of MSN 1858 Amendment 1 (UK Requirements for Deck Officers on Large Yachts)
- Large Yacht Manning Levels (UK Requirements for Engineer Officers on Large Yachts).
You are advised to read these documents and the guidance contained within before completing this application.
To apply for a Safe Manning Document for a Yacht operating under the REG Yacht Code, please complete the application form MSF 4208 and send this by email to with the following documentation:
Certificate of Registry
Confirmation of the date the Safe Manning Document is required by
Details of and a copy of the SMD held by any sister ships on the UK Ship Register
The fee for a Large Yacht SMD application is 199 and can be made payable via the GovPay online payment facility
Workboat and High Speed Offshore Service Craft
To apply for a Safe Manning Document for a Workboat and/or High Speed Offshore Service Craft, please complete the application form MSF 3914 and submit this to us by email:
Please include the following documentation:
Certificate of Registry
Workboat certificate
HSOSC Permit to Operate
Any exemption applying to the HSOSC
The fee for a Workboat and/or HSOSC SMD application is 199 and can be made payable via the GovPay online payment facility.
Fishing vessels
As a result of the implementation of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention (ILO 188), with effect from 30 November 2019, MCA will require the fishing vessel owner to demonstrate that:
(a) their vessel is sufficiently and safely manned for the safe navigation and operation of the vessel, and under the control of a competent skipper; and that
(b) fishermen are given regular periods of rest of sufficient length to ensure safety and health (adequate rest).
As an alternative to recording daily hours of work and rest for each fisherman on board, the fishing vessel owner may apply for a safe manning document to demonstrate how they comply with the above requirements. See MSN 1884(F) for other ways to demonstrate compliance. The safe manning document will cover both the statutory manning requirements for safe navigation under S.I. 1984/1115 and MGN 411(F), and manning for the safe operation of the vessel, which should be determined by the owner taking into account the factors set out on the application form MSF 3902 (link below) and others which may be relevant to the manning of the vessel. You are advised to read these documents and the guidance contained within before completing this application.
To apply for a Safe Manning Document for a Fishing vessel, please complete the application form MSF 3902 and submit this to us by email:
The fee for a Fishing SMD application is 199 and can be made payable via the GovPay online payment facility
Technical amendment to an existing Safe Manning Document
Should you require an amendment to your vessels current Safe Manning Document, please email with the following information and documentation:
A scan of the current Safe Manning Document (SMD)
Details of the required change to the SMD and why this is required such as (but not limited to) a change in GT, operational area and/or manning proposal.
Any supporting documentation to support the change such as updated crew working arrangements, updated International Tonnage Certificate or updated Certificate of Registry.
The fee for a Technical amendment to a SMD is 141 and can be made payable via the GovPay online payment facility
Exemption requests
If a UK vessel is unable to comply with the minimum crew outlined on the vessels Safe Manning Document due to unforeseen circumstances such as (but not limited to) illness or medical emergency of a crew member, an Exemption can be applied for by emailing
Please include the following information and documentation in your email request:
The reason for the exemptio