Collaboration between government and industry to support the development and exchange of best practice and delivery improvement.
Infrastructure Uk
- Press release: DEA Aviation secures new multi-million pound export finance package
- Guidance: Choosing an SIA approved contractor
- Guidance: Veterans News and Communications Hub
- Guidance: Probation Court Services Policy Framework
- Guidance: Defence maritime regulations: regulatory notices
- Guidance: Defence Environmental Management System (JSP 816)
- Press release: MHRA guidance on new Medical Devices Post-Market Surveillance requirements
- Guidance: Immigration providers south west support directory
- Guidance: Directory of providers
- Guidance: Firearms licensing: specifications for deactivated weapons
Infrastructure UK (IUK) and the Major Projects Authority (MPA) will merge, creating the Infrastructure and Projects Authority.
A forward-looking pipeline of infrastructure projects.
Report to Parliament under the Infrastructure (Financial Assistance Act) 2012: for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015
Report to Parliament under the Infrastructure (Financial Assistance Act) 2012: for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015
The pipeline provides an overall picture of planned investment in infrastructure, across both public and private sectors, to 2020 and beyond.
Chief Secretary to the Treasury outlines the government’s infrastructure investment priorities beyond 2015
Government is on track to improve infrastructure delivery and reduce construction costs by 15 per cent.
The government published an Infrastructure Delivery Update alongside Budget 2013.
UK Guarantees Scheme announced to avoid delays to investment in UK infrastructure projects that may have stalled because of adverse credit conditions.
Ministerial Departmental News
- PM's Office, 10 Downing Street
- Cabinet Office
- Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
- Department for Communities and Local Government
- Department for Culture, Media and Sport
- Department for Education
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Department for International Development
- Department for Transport
- Department for Work and Pensions
- Department of Energy and Climate Change
- Department of Health
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- HM Treasury
- Home Office
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Justice
- Northern Ireland Office
- Scotland Office
- Wales Office
- See all departments