Home Office
If you are applying from within the UK, you must print and complete the paper form Windrush scheme application form (UK). If you need a physical copy of the form posted to you contact the Windrush Helpline.
As part of our operating processes the Windrush Helpline may contact individuals by telephone, email or letter for a variety of reasons. We will only ask for identity documentation if you have applied under either the Windrush Scheme or the Windrush Compensation Scheme. If you have questions or concerns about an approach for information received please call our helpline who will be happy to advise.
If you are applying from outside the UK you must use the online application form.
Contact the Windrush Helpline
If you only need help with filling in the application form, you can contact We Are Group directly on 0808 196 8496.
Telephone: 0800 678 1925 (freephone)
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (exceptbank holidays)
Outside the helpline opening hours, you can leave a message to ask for your call to be returned at a more convenient time.
Email: commonwealthtaskforce@homeoffice.gov.uk
If you are overseas, you can email the Windrush Helpline and ask them to call you back.
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