
HS2 FCC TWA information event 25 May 2016: Calvert Green

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited

May 13
17:20 2016

The original plans for HS2 included moving the sidings operated by FCC Waste Services (UK) Ltd to the east of the Aylesbury Link railway line.

HS2 Ltd is now developing plans to move the sidings to the south of Sheephouse Wood, near the Greatmoor Energy from Waste Facility.

At the event we will:

  • provide further information on the proposals;
  • have representatives from HS2 and FCC available for you to talk to;
  • let you know how you can comment on the proposals, and provide information about the powers we are seeking to implement the plans.

The event will be taking place at:

Calvert Green Community Hall,Cotswolds Way,
Calvert Green,
MK18 2FJ

Please feel free to join us at any time on:

Wednesday 25th May between 1pm and 6.30pm

For further information regarding this event, please contact us at

Proposed Construction Layout (PDF, 504KB, 1 page)

Proposed Construction Layout Access Road Plan A (PDF, 327KB, 1 page)

Proposed Construction Layout Access Road Plan B (PDF, 288KB, 1 page)

Proposed Operational Layout (PDF, 987KB, 1 page)

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