
Charities with financial years ending on 31 March 2017 have less than four weeks to go before the final deadline to file their annual return.
By law, these charities must submit a return by 31 January 2018, no later than 10 months after the end of their financial year.
Thousands of charities have already filed their returns but there are still many that have not.
They run the risk of trying to file nearer to deadline day without the correct documentation or, crucially, the password they need to access the online service and then going into default.
To avoid the possibility of this happening, please either file your annual return for 2017 now, if you know what you need to submit, have a current working password, know your charity number and have kept your charities details, such as email and contact address and current trustees up to date.
Alternatively, please make sure you know where your password is, or apply for a new one (please note this will take at least 24 hours and can only be sent to the email address we have on file). Then update your charitys details before reading our detailed guide into how to prepare your annual return, including what you need to submit, based on your charitys chosen structure.