
Planning content

Government Digital Service

July 18
08:25 2023

All content published on GOV.UK must have a clear user need backed up with evidence.

Content should be published either:

Content that does not do one of these things should not be published on GOV.UK.

What should not be published

The following types of content should not be published on GOV.UK:

  • content that repeats or significantly overlaps with existing content
  • advertising for commercial purposes
  • intranet or other services exclusively for civil servants
  • professional training or qualifications
  • information or advice that is not specific to government and can be provided by other organisations or charities, for example housing advice from Shelter or business help from the British Business Bank
  • legislation thats on
  • information from sites and agencies exempt from transition to GOV.UK
  • organisations and companies, like mutuals, that are not publicly owned
  • content only relevant to users in devolved parts of the UK (Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)

Where to put guidance content on GOV.UK

Guidance is practical information that people need to complete a task or make a decision.

All guidance published on GOV.UK must have a clear user need (backed up with evidence) and be about something the government does (for example issuing passports or driving licences).

Before you create guidance content you must decide whether your users are:

  • members of the public (or small businesses) with no specialist skills or experience - mainstream users
  • specialists who are trained or experienced

Guidance for mainstream users

Mainstream guidance:

  • is for the general public or small businesses
  • is written for users who do not have (and are not expected to have) any previous experience or specialist knowledge of the subject
  • guides users from when their need arises to when they complete a task or have the information they need to complete a task (this can include directing users to third-party organisations)
  • is organised and written by task, rather than audience or the government department or agency
  • explains the current situation - it only describes future changes if they are certain or very likely to happen and affect choices a user can make right now, for example if users should apply for something now because a scheme is closing or a service will be down for maintenance

Volume of users does not necessarily make something suitable or unsuitable for mainstream guidance.

Mainstream guidance must not:

  • duplicate content better served by other organisations (for example charities, the NHS, Citizens Advice)
  • give advice or offer opinions

Guidance for mainstream users is written and maintained by the content team at GDS.

Send a content request for new content or to make changes to existing content.

Guidance for specialist users

Specialist guidance:

  • is aimed at specific audiences who already have an understanding of the topic
  • assumes the user has some expert knowledge that will allow them to understand the guidance and take action
  • is created by government departments using Whitehall publisher

Specialist guidance does not:

  • promote government initiatives or policies - use the campaigns platform or other channels to support marketing or promotional activity, or use a news story or press release for announcements
  • explain the policy behind the guidance

Some users want to know the detail of policy, but analysis and research has shown that theyre rarely the same users as those looking for guidance.

The detail of policies should be in a policy paper or one of the other formats that help users understand what government is doing.

Specialist guidance should not duplicate mainstream guidance. It can include a specific part of a mainstream task if it only needs to be done by a small proportion of users. For example, it should not take specialist knowledge to understand National Insurance, but only some users will need to understand National Insurance for share fishermen.

Publishing content somewhere other than on GOV.UK (getting an exemption)

You need to get approval from GDS before you create any new government website or public-facing domain. This approval is known as getting an exemption and applies to both and non-government domains (like, or .com).

Getting an exemption from GDS is not the only approval youll need. You must also make sure you have the correct spend approval before you create your website.

There is separate guidance on:

How to request an exemption

Complete the exemption form to request an exemption from GOV.UK.

Youll need to include:

  • why the user need cannot be met on GOV.UK, with supporting evidence
  • your proposed domain name
  • signed confirmation that your Head of Digital has given their approval

Email your completed form to with the subject line Exemption request.

After you send an exemption request

GDS will let you know the decision within 28 days of your request.

You may have to provide further information before a decision is made on your request.

Do not begin procurement of an external website until your exemption is confirmed and you have spend approval.

If you get an exemption

Youll need spend approval even if you get an exemption.

Your website must also:

  • not duplicate or compete with existing content on either GOV.UK or other exempt government websites or services
  • have appropriate journeys to and from GOV.UK for relevant content
  • limit its scope to what was agreed for the exemption

You must a

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