
Statistical data set: Rail passenger numbers and crowding on weekdays (RAI02)

Department For Transport

September 22
08:30 2022

Passenger numbers by city and central London station

RAI0201: City centre peak and all day arrivals and departures by rail on a typical autumn weekday, by city (ODS, 84.5 KB)

RAI0202: City centre arrivals and departures by rail on a typical autumn weekday, by city and time band (ODS, 189 KB)

RAI0203: Central London arrivals and departures by rail in on a typical autumn weekday, by station and time band (ODS, 169 KB)

Crowding (PiXC) by city and for London and South East operators

RAI0209: Passengers in excess of capacity (PiXC) on a typical autumn weekday by city (ODS, 21.1 KB)

RAI0210: Passengers in excess of capacity (PiXC) on a typical autumn weekday on London and South East train operators' services: annual from 1990 (ODS, 7.39 KB)

RAI0211: Passengers in excess of capacity (PiXC) on a typical autumn weekday by operator: London and South East train operators (ODS, 19.9 KB)

Capacity, train loading, passengers standing and crowding (PiXC) by city and central London station

RAI0212: Peak rail capacity, standard class critical loads and crowding on a typical autumn weekday by city (ODS, 134 KB)

RAI0213: Peak rail capacity, standard class critical loads and crowding on a typical autumn weekday in London by terminal (ODS, 154 KB)

Crowding (PiXC) for train operators, by city and central London station

RAI0214: Peak crowding on a typical autumn weekday by city and train operator (ODS, 91.3 KB)

RAI0215: Peak crowding on a typical autumn weekday in London by terminal and train operator (ODS, 63.7 KB)

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Published 24 July 2013
Last updated 22 September 2022 +show all updates
  1. Data tables updated for the rail passenger numbers and crowding 2021 report.

  2. Data tables updated for the rail passenger numbers and crowding 2020 report.

  3. Data tables updated for the rail passenger numbers and crowding 2019 report.

  4. Updated for 24th July 2019 publication.

  5. Tables updated for the rail passenger crowding 2017 release.

  6. Tables updated to the latest data for the year 2016.

  7. Table 0209 to 0215 has been revised.

  8. Tables updated to include data for the year 2015.

  9. Tables updated to the latest data for 2014.

  10. Tables updated to latest data for 2013.

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