
Statistical data set: Light rail and tram statistics (LRT)

Department For Transport

August 24
08:30 2022

The LRT99 series (London Underground, Glasgow Underground and Edinburgh Trams) have been incorporated into the LRT01, LRT02 and LRT03 series.

Passenger journeys, vehicle miles, vehicle kilometres and occupancy (LRT01)

LRT0101: Passenger journeys on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 11.2 KB)

LRT0102: Concessionary passenger journeys on light rail and trams by system: England (ODS, 7.8 KB)

LRT0103: Passenger kilometres on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 12.2 KB)

LRT0104: Passenger miles on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 12.6 KB)

LRT0105: Vehicle kilometres on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 11.1 KB)

LRT0106: Vehicle miles on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 10.8 KB)

LRT0107: Average length of journey on light rail and trams by system: England (ODS, 9.06 KB)

LRT0108: Average light rail and tram vehicle occupancy by system: England (ODS, 7.49 KB)

LRT0109: Passenger journeys per head on light rail and trams by system: England (ODS, 8.53 KB)

Light rail and tram fleet and infrastructure (LRT02)

LRT0201: Number of stations or stops on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 9.03 KB)

LRT0202: Passenger carriages or tram cars on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 8.86 KB)

LRT0203: Route kilometres open for passenger traffic on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 8.15 KB)

LRT0204: Route miles open for passenger traffic on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system in England: Great Britain (ODS, 8.68 KB)

Revenue from light rail and trams (LRT03)

LRT0301: Passenger revenue on light rail and trams and undergrounds by system: Great Britain (ODS, 17.2 KB)

LRT0302: Concessionary revenue on light rail and trams by system: England (ODS, 11.9 KB)

Other government data sources (LRT04)

LRT0401: Users of light rail and tram systems (ODS, 26.8 KB)

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Published 28 June 2018
Last updated 24 August 2022 +show all updates
  1. Data tables (LRT0101 to LRT0302) updated for the year ending March 2022 light rail and tram statistics report.

  2. Tables updated for the year ending March 2021 light rail and tram statistics report.

  3. Data tables updated the financial year ending March 2020 report.

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