
UKStratCom medics set for key role during Coronation weekend

Ministry Of Defence

May 3
05:00 2023

Personnel from DMS will be responsible for the mental and physical wellbeing of the troops taking part in the Coronation procession.

Colonel Mike Smith, Senior Medical Officer for Pirbright and Windsor, will lead the medics as they provide their specialist support. Speaking about the event, he said:

I am privileged to be part of this historic event. My team and I will be looking after the troops and guests, working closely with the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust and St Johns Ambulance.

In the run-up to state events, we care for the troops who will be parading on the day and have a round-the-clock primary healthcare facility at Pirbright.

While Colonel Smith plays a key part of the mission to look after more than 6,000 service personnel, his colleague within DMS will ensure those receiving honours from HM The King are well looked after too.

Air Commodore Dave McLoughlin CBE KHS MStJ, works closely with the Royal Family as the Kings Honorary Physician. He said:

The title is bestowed upon those of us who attend investiture ceremonies when people receive honours from HM The King or a member of the Royal Family.

I love this part of my role, whether it be hearing about the achievements of those in the public eye or the sterling service that many selflessly give to their community. Its a privilege to be there supporting them on their special day.

Despite their leading positions, the senior DMS personalities were quick to praise the diligence of the many medics under their command, with Colonel Smith concluding:

Our service personnel focus fully on their role and are constantly practising; this can result in some minor injuries. The job of our medical teams is to treat them as quickly as possible to ensure that people can participate in the event theyve been looking

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