Civil Nuclear Police Authority

The eight officers and one member of police staff received commendations and certificates of service at a presentation evening held by Assistant Chief Constable Chris Armitt for a wide range of achievements including recent promotions, three meritorious commendations and a certificate of service for four officers who were retiring after 30 years service with the CNC.
Insp Tim Ferris, who is based in the Firearms Training Unit, and Insp Chris Weegram, who is the Operational Unit Commander at Hartlepool power station, were commended for successfully achieving the rank of inspector after being recently promoted.
Four officers were presented with certificates for 30 years of service Sgt Bob Calder, based at the Firearms Training Unit; PC Dave Farrer from Special Branch; and Sgt Rick Cassell and PC Lawrence Rumney from Sellafield.
Three other employees also received commendations for their outstanding achievements at CNC.
Sgt Jack Addis, based at Torness, was commended for his commitment and personal attention to his employees and the community, over and above his already busy workload as a section supervisor. Jack has helped one of his officers through a bereavement and offered support to his colleagues who are unwell and signed off work and one on maternity leave. In his private life, Jack is a member of the Befrienders Society, which helps young people who have no family. Jack regularly visits several young people and takes them on days out. Jack is commended for his professionalism, leadership and commitment - he has acted to provide support, dignity and human kindness to others in their time of need, exemplifying the values of the police service.
PC Ian Johnstone has been commended for the part he played in the introduction of a new shared service at CNC, supporting the build of a new duty management system. Ian showed great leadership and commitment to support the Constabulary during its introduction. He applied his technical expertise and experience to support the project and went significantly beyond that which might be expected. He acted in a manner which upholds the values and expectation which we all have of the police service.
Police staff member Debra Mackay works as the stakeholder liaison manager for the Strategic Escort Group. She represents the CNC at a number of external and high level meetings with stakeholders and partner agencies. Her commitment and dedication to operational delivery and her loyalty and devotion the CNC has earned her this divisional commendation.
Assistant Chief Constable Chris Armitt said: I was proud to be able to honour the achievements of these nine people at the presentation evening and have the opportunity to thank them personally for their dedication to the Constabulary, as well as congratulate them on their achievements.
It was a pleasure to be able to meet such a differing range of people being honoured for very different but impressive reasons.