
Judicial Review Case Management

Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner

June 1
15:52 2017

From 1 June 2017, OISC advisers registered at Level 3 who are interested in applying for authorisation in Judicial Review Case Management (JRCM) may apply to carry out this work. A Practice Note on understanding the work allowed can be found hereJRCM work will include:

Advising on the merits of judicial review proceedings and any costs or risks involved

Explaining the various stages associated with a judicial review application

Drafting written instructions for counsel to represent a client in proceedings

Assisting in the gathering of information and documents to support the claim

Supporting in the preparation of skeleton arguments and the substantive hearing bundle

Instructing where an urgent application is required

To undertake this work OISC registered advisers must be authorised by the Commissioner in the category of Judicial Review Case Management; and be permitted by the Bar Standards Board to instruct a barrister to undertake the litigation and advocacy element of an immigration judicial review through their Licensed Access Scheme. Full details of the application process and the Competence Statement specifically designed for applications for JRCM are available here.
If you are interested the process for applying will reflect the current process of applying for a new category of authorisation. You will be asked to complete and submit a Competence Statement outlining your experience and training in the area. Applications will be decided based on the information and evidence you provide. We will not carry out a formal written assessment on JRCM at this time.

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