
Validation of applications over the Christmas period 2015

Veterinary Medicines Directorate

October 15
12:50 2015

New Marketing Authorisation applications

The last validation meeting to discuss applications for new Marketing Authorisations (MAs) will take place on 23 December 2015. Applications to be considered for validation must be received on or before 21 December 2015.

The validation meetings will resume w/c 4 January 2016.

For further information please contact: Abigail Seager

Manufacturing and Wholesale Dealers Authorisation applications (new and variation)

The last day for validation application discussions for Manufacturing (ManA) and Wholesale Dealers Authorisation (WDA) applications (new and variation) will be on Friday 18th December. Applications to be considered for validation by this date must be received on or before Wednesday 16th December 2015.

The validation discussions will resume w/c 4 January 2016.

For further information please contact: Justin Murphy

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