
Stop someone getting a passport

Hm Passport Office

September 29
15:29 2022

You might be able to stop a child or vulnerable person getting a passport.

You may want to do this if:

  • you think your child may be abducted and taken overseas by their other parent (or someone who has parental responsibility)
  • a relative is vulnerable (for example, they have a mental disability) and you do not think it would be safe for them to have a passport

Contact the police or social services if youre concerned about these issues.

You should not stop a childs passport if theyve already been taken overseas. It makes the process of getting them back harder and may also be against the law.

How to stop a passport

Contact HM Passport Office to find out if it will be possible to stop someone from getting a passport.

HM Passport Office will usually only stop a passport if you have a court order to do so.

HM Passport Office
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