Reserve Forces Cadets Associations
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This collaborative project is delivered by Defence Relationship Management and Cobseo (The Confederation of Service Charities). The Hub enables forces-friendly organisations across all sectors to showcase the continued value of the UKs highly-skilled veteran community.
Latest news
East Hampshire Veterans Festival
A Veterans Festival will be held onFriday 24 January at Petersfield Festival Hall to celebrate serving personnel and veterans.
The event will offer a range of information from national organisations, charities and local groups providing support, advice, discussion, networking and friendship.
The National Transition Event (NTE)comes back to Silverstone
The next annual event is on Monday 24 February 2025 at Silverstone Conference Centre and Circuit.
The NTE aims to support service leavers, veterans, reservists, cadets and their families. With the iconic GP circuit as a backdrop for the Troops Track Day, it delivers an engaging experience supported by industry, the third sector, the Ministry of Defence and the Office for Veterans Affairs, ensuring a wealth of resources and networkingopportunities.

National Transition event logo. Copyright: National Transition
Find out more and register as an attendee or an exhibitor
What is a veteran?
Veterans are defined as anyone who has served for at least one day in His Majestys Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve) or Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on legally defined military operations. There are currently 2.4 million veterans in Great Britain.

There are 2.4 million veterans in Great Britain. 40% of veterans are 16-64 years old. The percentage of working age veterans is set to increase to 44% by 2028. 60% of veterans are over 65. 75% of veterans own their home or have a mortgage. It is estimated that 3% to 6% of those sleeping rough have served in the Armed Forces. 75% are healthy, 17% have fair health and 8% have bad health. Want to learn more? Tune in to our being forces friendly podcast.
Listen to our team of veterans talk about their experiences: transitioning from the UK Armed Forces and what the word veteran means to them.
You can find and listen to all of our Being Forces Friendly podcast episodes on Anchor.
Share your story: what does the word veteran mean to you? Use the hashtag #ProudToBeAVeteran on the platforms below:
Veterans employment
An employers guide to hiring veterans

An employers' guide to hiring veterans graphic (Office for Veterans' Affairs).
The employers guide to hiring veterans (published by the OVA) was launched by the Rt Hon Johnny Mercer, former Minister For Veteran Affairs at the Federation of Small Businesses HQ in London.
The guide provides support to organisations that seek guidance and best practices for the employment, retention, and career development of veterans. Case studies from existing organisations are included, providing tips and lived experiences.
Read the employers guide to hiring veterans.
The Reed Group

Reed logo.
The Reed Group has created an internal Armed Forces Veterans and Reservists Group (AFVR) community.
The AFVR Groups benefits include:
- offering employees a support group of people with similar experiences
- recreating a sense of camaraderie that they may be missing from their time in the forces
- offering an optional buddy system for mentoring new staff, especially when this is a members first civilian job
- sharing Armed Forces events, news and experiences
Joanna Chapman, Reed Group business development manager, has said:
This shows our commitment to supporting Armed Forces personnel and ensuring they are not disadvantaged by their Service. We work continuously to create new and improve existing policies and initiatives that support those who have served and those who continue to serve, including guidance documents for our recruiting staff and job application support for those applying to work for Reed.
Their working group will also hold group-wide talks to raise awareness for employing the Armed Forces Community, the benefits they bring to employers, and how they can be supported. Reed opens group talks to external stakeholders to host and bring their expertise, and they welcome anyone who would be interested in attending. If you would like to participate, email the Reed Armed Forces Community at
The Forces Employment Charity

Forces Employment Charity logo.
The Forces Employment Charity stands by ex-Forces personnel through a range of programmes and practical support. Supporting anyone who has served at least one day in His Majestys Regular Armed Forces, or Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on legally defined military operations. Support is delivered by experienced advisors, many of whom also served. The Forces Employment Charity advisors are committed to helping veterans succeed through their working lives.
The Forces Employment Charity programmes provide a range of practical tools and advice to help veterans use their military skills to stand out from the crowd.
The support provided includes:
- advice on career choices
- researching the job market
- job matching
- advice on training
- recommendations for courses and education
- support with writing a CV
- advice on interview techniques
- expert industry knowledge and updates
- events and employment fairs
For more information visit The Forces Employment Charity.
Forces-friendly employers
More than 12,000 organisations have committed to improving the lives of Service people and their families.
Since 2011, the Armed Forces Covenant has been a promise that, as a society, we will acknowledge that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces and their families should be treated with fairness and respect.
Read more about Forces-friendly employers
Hiring a veteran is good for business
New figures were released by the Forces Employment Charity on Armed Forces Day 2024, revealing that the number of employers actively looking to hire veterans has risen by over 20% in the last 5 years. This is an increase from 2,981 in 2018, to 3,603 in 2023.
Read the full story on the Forces Employment Charity website
Veterans and small businesses
Veterans: A Force for Business
X-ForcesEnterprise (XFE) and theFederation of Small Business (FSB)have collaborated extensively over the last few years, beginning with an insightful report into the business landscape for Service leavers: