Planning Inspectorate
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Following a High Court challenge to our decision on this application dated 15 December 2023 the Court has ordered that the application be re-determined. This does not necessarily mean we will reach a different overall decision.
Type of application:
Full Planning Application
Applicant name:
Weston Homes PLC
Site address:
Land to the north of Roseacres, between Parsonage Road and Smiths Green Lane, Takeley, Essex, CM22 6NZ (Land known as Bull Field, Warish Hall Farm, Takeley, Essex)
Description of proposed development:
Access to/from Parsonage Road between Weston Group Business Centre and Innovation Centre buildings leading to: 96 dwellings on Bulls Field, south of Priors Wood, including associated parking, landscaping, public open space, land for the expansion of Roseacres Primary School, pedestrian and cycle routes to Smiths Green Lane together with associated infrastructure
Case Officer:
Section 62A Applications Team
Key dates:
Date | |
Date by when representations must be made | 10 January 2025 |
Hearing date and venue | TBC |
Decision date | TBC |
Hearing Documents
Make a representation
The application can be inspected under the application plans and documents heading below.
Any comments made when the application was originally determined will be taken into account and do not need to be resubmitted.
You will be able to comment on this application until 10 January 2025
Please base your comments on planning matters.
Please avoid the use of inflammatory, discriminatory or abusive comments
All representations made in connection with the development proposal will be made publicly available on the website shortly after the end of the representation period. The name of the individual author or organisation will be published however addresses, signatures and contact details will not be published. We advise you not to include any other personal information about yourself or others.
OurCustomerPrivacy Noticesets out how we handle personal data in accordance with the law.
Send your comments via email to
or write to
Section 62A Applications Team
Planning Inspectorate
3rd Floor
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Sending comments by email will enable us to deal with them more quickly and is preferred.
Please include the application reference number and site address.
This application will be determined by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. Shortly after the close of the representation period the Planning Inspectorate will consider whether a is necessary. In the event that a hearing is scheduled, and you would wish to speak at the hearing, you must make this request at the time you submit your written representations.
Where the application is to be considered at a hearing, notice of the date, time and venue for the hearing along with the name of the person holding the hearing, will be published on this website at least two weeks before the date of the hearing.