
Unqualified Gravesend immigration adviser sentenced

Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner

March 23
09:09 2016

Ms Nassim Humayun, 57, of Citizens Advocacy Project, Coopers Court, Gravesend, Kent pleaded guilty at the City of London Magistrates Court on 3 February 2016 to 6 charges of providing unregulated immigration advice or services since April 2012.

She was sentenced at the City of London Magistrates Court on 22 March 2016 to 12 weeks custody, suspended for 6 months. She was ordered to pay compensation of 986 and costs of 1,621, with a victim surcharge of 80.

On sentencing, the senior magistrate said:

The offences are very serious. You were not entitled to give advice and the advice you did give was incompetent.

Speaking about the decision, Deputy Immigration Services Commissioner, Dr Ian Leigh said:

Ms Humayun chose to operate outside the law, and without regard for the protection of her clients.

I am delighted with the outcome of this case, and I hope it sends a clear message to other people considering providing immigration advice act within the law or you will find yourself in court.

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