
Robin Simcox appointed as Commissioner for Countering Extremism

Home Office

July 27
15:16 2022

The Home Office today confirmed the appointment of Robin Simcox as the substantive Commissioner for Countering Extremism (CCE). His tenure will last for a three-year period.

Robin was first appointed to the role of Interim Commissioner in March 2021. Following a robust open competition for the substantive role, Robins appointment has been agreed by the Home Secretary.

Home Secretary, Priti Patel, said:

Robin Simcox is extremely distinguished in the field of countering-extremism and brings considerable experience and expertise to the substantive Commissioner role he is taking up at the CCE.

His wealth of knowledge will help to improve our understanding across a range of ideologies and behaviours, tackling extremism which has no place in our society.

Robin Simcox, Commissioner for Countering Extremism, said:

It is a privilege to be appointed the substantive Commissioner for Countering Extremism.Our core values must be robustly defended in the face of extremist ideologies.

The CCE will help increase the sophistication of our response to extremism by scrutinising the approach taken not only by government but also wider society.

The CCE is a non-statutory expert committee of the Home Office which operates independently that supports society to fight all forms of extremism and advises the government and external partners on new pol

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