Legal Aid Agency

Common Platform drop-in sessions are now available to learn more about digital working plans for the criminal justice system (CJS) and how it affects your work.
The defence awareness days drop-in sessions are being run from September to October 2017 and give you the chance to find out:
- what the Common Platform is
- what it means for you as a defence practitioner
- how it will evolve
- how the Common Platform is being built
- how to get involved and help shape the system
What is the Common Platform?
It is a new way of working for partners across CJS which allows practitioners to securely access case management information where and when they need to.
It means you can work at a variety of locations at times to suit your work pattern.
A new digital system will allow defendants, victims, witnesses and professional users to interact on-line.The idea is to deliver a unified way of working for HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and make everything available in one secure location.
This can then be accessed by defence practitioners as well as HMCTS, CPS, police and the judiciary.
How can I find out more?
Details of the locations, dates and times of events near you are available below:
CJS Common Platform programme defence awareness days schedule of events
HMCTS email updates sign up for regular HMCTS news alerts