
Official Statistics: The People and Nature Survey for England: Data and publications from Adults survey year 1 (April 2020 - March 2021) (Official Statistics)

Natural England

April 5
15:08 2023


The People and Nature Survey for England gathers information on peoples experiences and views about the natural environment, and its contributions to our health and wellbeing.

Note that due to planned improvements of this dataset, the structure has changed from previous datasets for alignment with publishing on a new platform. Previous datasets for Y1Q1 to Y1Q3 have been updated accordingly. See Survey Methods and Technical Details page for further information.

The publications report a set of weighted national indicators from the survey, which have been generated using data collected from a sample of approx. 25,000 adults (16+).

To receive updates on the survey, including data releases and publications, sign-up via the People and Nature User Hub.

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