
Tobias Ellwood statement on plans to demolish Bedouin village in Israel

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

November 23
16:41 2016

The issue was also discussed during Foreign Office oral questions in the House of Commons on Tuesday 22 November.

Tobias Ellwood said:

I will be raising with the Israeli Ambassador the concerns expressed in the House of Commons about plans to demolish the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev. Demolition orders delivered to residents had stated that initial demolitions would occur on 22 November. Although the demolition did not happen yesterday, the threat remains.

The UK calls on the Israeli authorities and Bedouin community to work together to find a solution that meets the needs and respects the rights of the people affected. This should include a robust planning process that adequately consults and addresses the needs of Israels Bedouin communities.

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