
Foreign Secretary to visit Russia

Foreign and Commonwealth Office a

March 4
09:31 2017

An FCO spokeswoman said:

The Foreign Secretary has accepted an invitation from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to visit Moscowin the coming weeks.

The Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary have made clear that our policy towards Russia is to engage but beware and the visit is entirely consistent with this approach.

Discussions will focus on the UK-Russia relationship and current international issues including Syria and Ukraine, where we continue to have significant differences. This is not a return to business as usual and the Foreign Secretary will continue to be robust on those issues where we differ.

We have always been clear that the UK will engage with Russia where it is in our national interest to do so.

Details of precise timings will be confirmed in due course. A potential visit has been in the pipeline for some time, with the Prime Minister and President Putin discussing this when they met in China in September 2016.

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