
Statistical data set: Driving test statistics (DRT)

Department For Transport

August 11
08:30 2022

Accessibility of tables

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The publication of driver and rider theory test data, conducted from September 2021 onwards, and the annual edition of driver and rider testing and instructor statistics is being postponed while the Department for Transport (DfT) carry out enhanced quality assurance checks on the theory data.

Following the introduction of a new system for managing their theory test data, in September 2021, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) experienced a number of problems migrating data from the old to the new system and validating and collating the data which prevented its delivery to DfT. This resulted in the currently announced delays in publishing the theory test relating to 2021 onwards on DfTs website.

DVSA have now tackled these issues and recommenced the supply of theory test data to DfT, including the outstanding period and DfT are currently undertaking validation and quality assurance testing of this. Once these checks have passed, we will seek to publish the outstanding statistics at the first available opportunity alongside the planned annual statistical release and we will announce this date on the forthcoming statistics section of the DfT website.

Until then, to minimise the impact of these delays on the unaffected practical test data, DfT has taken the decision to publish the latest 3 months of data for practical tests and for driving instructors (covering January to March 2022) in a quarterly release format in place of the annual release on the 11 August 2022.

Driving test and motorcycle test pass rates (DRT01)

DRT0101: Practical driving and riding test pass rates by test class, quarterly: Great Britain (ODS, 36.9 KB)

DRT0102: Theory driving and riding test pass rates by test class, quarterly: Great Britain (ODS, 33.5 KB)

Car driving test pass rates (DRT02)

DRT0201: Practical car test pass rates by gender, monthly: Great Britain (ODS, 29.8 KB)

DRT0202: Practical car test pass rates by number of attempts, age and gender: Great Britain (ODS, 324 KB)

DRT0203: Practical car test pass rates by gender and age of candidate: Great Britain (ODS, 127 KB)

DRT0221: Practical car and trailer test pass rates by gender, quarterly: Great Britain (ODS, 11.6 KB)No longer updated from October 2021

Motorcycle riding test pass rates (DRT04)

DRT0401: Practical motorcycle test (Module 1) pass rates by gender, monthly: Great Britain (ODS, 25.2 KB)

DRT0403: Practical motorcycle test (Module 1) pass rates by gender and age of candidate: Great Britain (ODS, 92.2 KB)

DRT0421: Practical motorcycle test (Module 2) pass rates by gender, monthly: Great Britain (ODS, 24.9 KB)

DRT0423: Practical motorcycle test (Module 2) pass rates by gender and age of candidate: Great Britain (ODS, 82.6 KB)

Large goods vehicles (LGV) driving test pass rates (DRT05)

DRT0501: Practical large goods vehicles (LGV) test pass rates by gender, monthly: Great Britain (ODS, 27.2 KB)

DRT0502: Practical certificate of professional competence (CPC) LGV test rates by gender, monthly: Great Britain (ODS, 15.2 KB)

DRT0503: Practical LGV pass rates by gender and age of candidate: Great Britain (ODS, 108 KB)

Passenger carrying vehicle (PCV) driving test pass rates (DRT06)

DRT0601: Practical passenger carrying vehicle (PCV) pass rates by gender, monthly: Great Britain (ODS, 25.1 KB)

DRT0602: Practical passenger carrying vehicle (PCV) CPC test rates by gender, monthly: Great Britain (ODS, 14.3 KB)

DRT0603: Practical PCV pass rates by gender and age of candidate: Great Britain (ODS, 95.2 KB)

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