
Statistical data set: Vehicle speed compliance statistics: data tables (SPE)

Department For Transport

August 24
08:30 2023

Accessibility of tables

The department is currently working to make our tables accessible for our users. The data tables for these statistics are now accessible.

We would welcome any feedback on the accessibility of our tables, please email vehicle speed compliance statistics.

Vehicle speed compliance (SPE01)

SPE0111: Vehicle speed compliance by road type and vehicle type in Great Britain (ODS, 119 KB)

SPE0112: Vehicle speed compliance in Great Britain (ODS, 25.4 KB)

SPE0113: Percentage exceeding the speed limit by hour of day on roads with free flowing conditions in Great Britain (ODS, 18.8 KB)

SPE0114: Time difference (headway) between HGVs and the vehicle in front in Great Britain (ODS, 9.98 KB)

SPE0115: Percentage of cars exceeding the speed limit by day of the week on roads with free flowing conditions (ODS, 10.3 KB)

SPE0116: Percentage of cars exceeding the speed limit by road type (ODS, 68.7 KB)

Speeding offences and reported accidents involving speeding (SPE02)

Minor revision to SPE0201

On 24 August 2023, table SPE0201 was revised to correct historic figures on penalty notices for speeding offences which had been incorrectly transcribed by the department. The original Home Office source of the data was not affected.

SPE0201: Motor vehicle offences relating to exceeding the speed limit (ODS, 9.51 KB)

SPE0202: Reported accidents where exceeding the speed limit was reported as a contributory factor, by severity, in Great Britain (ODS, 11.2 KB)

SPE0203: Vehicles involved in reported accidents where exceeding the speed limit was reported as a contributory factor by vehicle type and severity of accident (ODS, 22.4 KB)

SPE0204: Reported accidents where exceeding the speed limit was reported as a contributory factor and excluding non-free flow conditions (ODS, 11.5 KB)

Contact us

Road traffic and vehicle speed compliance statistics


Media enquiries 0300 7777 878

Published 5 November 2018
Last updated 24 August 2023 +show all updates
  1. Data tables updated for the 2022 annual report.

  2. Data tables updated for the 2021 annual report.

  3. Data tables updated for the 2020 annual report. Percentage of cars exceeding the speed limit by road type data table added.

  4. Data tables updated for the 2019 annual report.

  5. Data tables updated for the 2018 annual report. Table for percentage of cars exceeding the speed limit on roads with free flowing conditions added to the dataset.

  6. First published.

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