
Guidance: Social care common inspection framework (SCCIF): residential family centres


September 8
08:30 2023


This framework sets out Ofsteds process for inspecting residential family centres.

Our approach is underpinned by the following 3 principles that apply to all social care inspections:

  • to focus on the things that matter most to childrens lives
  • to be consistent in our expectations of providers
  • to prioritise our work where improvement is needed most
Published 22 February 2017
Last updated 8 September 2023 +show all updates
  1. Updated the 'Evaluation criteria' section to clarify that monitoring and support activities of the centre are included in an inspectors assessment of the experiences and progress of families, how well they are safeguarded, and how leadership reviews and improves the effectiveness of those activities.

  2. Minor changes to the evaluation criteria to align, where applicable, with other framework changes on childrens progress, the management of risk and the need to appoint a registered manager, if the post is vacant, within 26 weeks.Small change to guidance for inspectors on recording evidence in the inspection database.

  3. Minor edits for clarity in the 'Monitoring visit' section and revised text referencing the updated 'Ofsted code of conduct' policy.

  4. Added guidance for April 2022: made minor changes to the evaluation criteria on the impact of quality monitoring activities and the outcomes of assessments and additional guidance for when inspectors discover possible unregistered provision.

  5. Updated guidance on the scheduling of inspections of centres previously judged inadequate or requires improvement to be good, to make consistent with our guidance for other provider types.

  6. Removed guidance on assurance visits, as we are no longer carrying these out.

  7. Added guidance on inspecting residential family centres during COVID-19 restrictions. Updated guidance to reflect changes to Ofsteds post-inspection processes and complaints handling, including timeline, that we introduced in September 2020. Minor edits for readability.

  8. First published.

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