Department for Transport

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin today (12 November 2015) announces the reappointment of 2 members of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Board David Gray and Michael Medlicott.
David Gray and Michael Medlicott joined the CAA as Non-Executive Members in November 2009 and February 2010 respectively. David Gray has particular expertise in economic regulation including a period at Ofgem, where he was responsible for gas and electricity price control reviews. Michael Medlicott has many years experience in the transport and tourism sectors, including senior roles in the airline and airport sectors.
In addition to their role at the CAA, David Gray is Chairman of the Gas & Electricity Markets Authority (Ofgem) and a Governor of the Central School of Ballet. Michael Medlicott is also Senior Non-Executive Director of OCS Group Ltd, and Chairman of Myriad Holdco Ltd.
They will both serve for third terms of 4 years each at their existing salaries of 22,000 per annum for a time commitment of 1 day per week, with additional remuneration for chairing committees and participation in appeals hearings.
The appointment process for non-executive directors has been run according to the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA) guidelines. All appointments are made on merit on a personal basis, and political activity and affiliations play no part in the selection process.