
Guidance: Contact the CMA

Competition Markets Authority

March 20
11:00 2023

Use this service to tell the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) about issues with a business, a market, or to provide information and evidence about a new or existing case.

Do not use this service if youre seeking immediate advice and support. Contact the relevant consumer advice organisation in your area (opens in a new tab).

Information you will need

You will be asked to provide:

  • a description of the issue, including its impact
  • any supporting evidence you have
  • details about yourself and, if applicable, your organisation

The information you share with us will be used by the CMA and other organisations, to monitor and possibly take action to stop unfair business behaviour.

How we use your information

As part of your report, you can choose to provide contact details to the CMA.

If you provide these details, the CMA will be processing your personal data. Personal data is information which relates to an individual who can be identified from it.

We take all reports seriously. If you wish to make your report anonymously it will be handled in line with our personal information charter (opens in a new tab) (also known as privacy notice).

Start now

Published 20 March 2023

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