
Guidance: T Level industry placements delivery guidance

Department For Education

January 20
12:00 2025

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This guidance will help providers and employers to deliver high-quality industry placements, which form a mandatory component of the T Level programme.

This guidance is for:

  • the principals, senior leadership teams, governing bodies, trustees, and staff of all institutions delivering T Levels
  • all institutions delivering T Level-style placements through the industry placement capacity and delivery fund, and those considering offering T Levels
  • industry and employers interested in or involved in delivering T Level or T Level-style industry placements, and their representative bodies

We have removed annex A, on delivery approaches, and moved relevant guidance into the delivery guidance document.

We have also published:

Updates to this page

Published 3 July 2020
Last updated 20 January 2025 +show all updates
  1. We have updated the delivery guidance document. This includes updated guidance on delivery approaches, so we have removed annex A. We have also added a set of core principles for industry placements. We have updated sections on the support available for providers, internal monitoring and quality assurance, placement withdrawal and breakdown, and how to record data.

  2. Added Recommended supplementary qualifications for students studying agricultural T Levels.

  3. 'T Level industry placements: delivery guidance', ' Further guidance on delivering pathway level placements for health, healthcare science and science T Level students', 'Education and childcare route: example industry placement objective templates', Annex A, Annex C and Annex D were updated. 'Existing industry placement flexibilities' was removed.

  4. The core principles have been updated in 'The T Level industry placements: delivery guidance' (PDF and HTML versions). Annex A and Annex B have been updated with the new industry placement delivery approaches guidance.

  5. We have published further guidance on delivering pathway level placements for Health, Healthcare Science and Science T Level students.

  6. We have updated the T Level industry placements: delivery guidance with updated links to further guidance, and information on using the Manage T Level results service.

  7. We have published Annex J: T Level Technical Qualification in Health guidance, specific to Dental Nursing.

  8. We have published guidance on temporary flexibilities for 2020 and 2021 students.

  9. We have updated Annex D, and published new Creative and Design route example, and a summary of existing industry placement flexibilities.

  10. We have published an updated version of the T Level industry placements delivery guidance with additions to Annex D.

  11. We have updated Annex D, specifically the section on Wave 2 - 2021 delivery and the T Level in Building Services Engineering for Construction.

  12. We have published Agriculture, Environmental and Animal care route: example industry placement objective templates.

  13. First published.

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