Department For Education
January 15
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This guidance is for local authorities.
It applies to local authorities providing placements and services for children and young people:
- with education, health and care (EHC) plans
- who need alternative provision
It applies to:
- local-authority-maintained schools
- academies (including free schools and 16 to 19 academies)
- general further education colleges
- independent schools (including independent special schools)
- non-maintained special schools
- special post-16 institutions
- post-16 independent training providers
- unregistered alternative provision (unregistered AP)
It will help local authorities identify if the listed educational settings are in or out of scope of the procurement legislation that applies from 24 February 2025.
This guidance will help local authorities, as the contracting authority, to decide:
- how to commission the provision of education placements and services for children and young people with education, health and care (EHC) plans and those who need alternative provision
- when the Procurement Act 2023 and associated regulations and guidance, might apply to such commissioning activity