Department For Education
January 17
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School phase
Code | Description |
NS | Nursery |
PS | Primary |
MP | Middle (deemed primary) |
MS | Middle (deemed secondary) |
SS | Secondary |
AT | All-through |
SP | Special |
PR | Pupil referral unit (PRU) / alternative provision (AP) |
School type
Code | Description |
01 | First school, 5-8 |
02 | First school, 5-9 |
03 | First school, 5-10 |
04 | First and middle school, 5-12 |
05 | Middle school, 8-12, deemed primary |
06 | Middle school, 9-13, deemed primary |
07 | Middle school, 9-13, deemed secondary |
08 | Middle school, 10-13, deemed secondary |
09 | Comprehensive upper school, 12-15/16 |
10 | Comprehensive upper school, 12-18 |
11 | Comprehensive upper school, 13-16 |
12 | Comprehensive upper school, 13-18 |
16 | Infant school, 5-7/8 |
17 | Junior school, 7/8-11 |
18 | Infant and junior school, 5-11 |
21 | Comprehensive all-through, 11-16 |
22 | Comprehensive all-through, 11-18 |
25 | Junior comprehensive, 11-13, automatic transfer |
26 | Junior comprehensive, 11-14, automatic transfer |
27 | Junior comprehensive, 11-16, optional transfer at 13 |
28 | Junior comprehensive, 11-16, optional transfer at 14 |
29 | Senior comprehensive, 13-16, automatic transfer |
30 | Senior comprehensive, 13-18, optional transfer |
31 | Senior comprehensive, 13-18, automatic transfer |
32 | Senior comprehensive, 14-18, optional transfer |
33 | Senior comprehensive, 14-18, automatic transfer |
36 | Non-comprehensive secondary - modern |
37 | Non-comprehensive secondary - grammar |
38 | Non-comprehensive secondary - technical |
39 | Non-comprehensive secondary - other |
41 | Middle school, 10-14, deemed secondary |
42 | First school, 5-7 |
43 | First school, 7-10 |
44 | Comprehensive upper school, 14/15-18 |
45 | Middle school, 9-12, deemed primary |
46 | Comprehensive, middle and upper, 10-16 |
47 | City technology college |
48 | Comprehensive upper school, 11-16 |
49 | Academies |
50 | Maintained nursery |
51 | Direct grant nursery |
52 | Special school |
53 | Hospital special school |
54 | Local-authority-maintained PRU |
55 | All-through school |
National curriculum year group
You should use these codes for your class key stage but not the maximum or minimum year group.
Code | Description |
E1 | Early first year |
E2 | Early second year |
N1 | Nursery first year |
N2 | Nursery second year |
R | Reception |
1 14 | Years 1 to 14 |
M | Mixed year class |
X | National curriculum not followed: available for pupils who are not following the national curriculum through statutory disapplication processes |
Intake type (not for nursery schools)
Code | Description |
COMP | Comprehensive |
SEL1 | Selective (grammar) |
SEL2 | Secondary modern |
SEL3 | Selective (technical) |
SEL4 | Religious school |
SPEC | Special |
HOSP | Hospital |
Code | Description |
CO | Community |
VA | Voluntary aided |
VC | Voluntary controlled |
FO | Foundation |
IN | Independent |
NM | Non-maintained |
CT | CTC |
CA | Academy |
School SEN type
Code | Description |
SPLD | Specific learning difficulty |
MLD | Moderate learning difficulty |
SLD | Severe learning difficulty |
PMLD | Profound and multiple learning difficulty |
SEMH | Social, emotional and mental health |
SLCN | Speech, language and communication needs |
HI | Hearing impairment |
VI | Vision impairment |
MSI | Multi-sensory impairment |
PD | Physical disability |
ASD | Autistic spectrum disorder |
OTH | Other difficulties/disability to be applied in exceptional circumstances where the primary type of need has not yet been established |
Class activity (primary and all-through schools only)
Code | Description |
AR | Art, craft or design |