
Find a school census code: applicable from August 2024

Department For Education

January 17
12:09 2025

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School phase

Code Description
NS Nursery
PS Primary
MP Middle (deemed primary)
MS Middle (deemed secondary)
SS Secondary
AT All-through
SP Special
PR Pupil referral unit (PRU) / alternative provision (AP)

School type

Code Description
01 First school, 5-8
02 First school, 5-9
03 First school, 5-10
04 First and middle school, 5-12
05 Middle school, 8-12, deemed primary
06 Middle school, 9-13, deemed primary
07 Middle school, 9-13, deemed secondary
08 Middle school, 10-13, deemed secondary
09 Comprehensive upper school, 12-15/16
10 Comprehensive upper school, 12-18
11 Comprehensive upper school, 13-16
12 Comprehensive upper school, 13-18
16 Infant school, 5-7/8
17 Junior school, 7/8-11
18 Infant and junior school, 5-11
21 Comprehensive all-through, 11-16
22 Comprehensive all-through, 11-18
25 Junior comprehensive, 11-13, automatic transfer
26 Junior comprehensive, 11-14, automatic transfer
27 Junior comprehensive, 11-16, optional transfer at 13
28 Junior comprehensive, 11-16, optional transfer at 14
29 Senior comprehensive, 13-16, automatic transfer
30 Senior comprehensive, 13-18, optional transfer
31 Senior comprehensive, 13-18, automatic transfer
32 Senior comprehensive, 14-18, optional transfer
33 Senior comprehensive, 14-18, automatic transfer
36 Non-comprehensive secondary - modern
37 Non-comprehensive secondary - grammar
38 Non-comprehensive secondary - technical
39 Non-comprehensive secondary - other
41 Middle school, 10-14, deemed secondary
42 First school, 5-7
43 First school, 7-10
44 Comprehensive upper school, 14/15-18
45 Middle school, 9-12, deemed primary
46 Comprehensive, middle and upper, 10-16
47 City technology college
48 Comprehensive upper school, 11-16
49 Academies
50 Maintained nursery
51 Direct grant nursery
52 Special school
53 Hospital special school
54 Local-authority-maintained PRU
55 All-through school

National curriculum year group

You should use these codes for your class key stage but not the maximum or minimum year group.

Code Description
E1 Early first year
E2 Early second year
N1 Nursery first year
N2 Nursery second year
R Reception
1 14 Years 1 to 14
M Mixed year class
X National curriculum not followed: available for pupils who are not following the national curriculum through statutory disapplication processes

Intake type (not for nursery schools)

Code Description
COMP Comprehensive
SEL1 Selective (grammar)
SEL2 Secondary modern
SEL3 Selective (technical)
SEL4 Religious school
SPEC Special
HOSP Hospital


Code Description
CO Community
VA Voluntary aided
VC Voluntary controlled
FO Foundation
IN Independent
NM Non-maintained
CA Academy

School SEN type

Code Description
SPLD Specific learning difficulty
MLD Moderate learning difficulty
SLD Severe learning difficulty
PMLD Profound and multiple learning difficulty
SEMH Social, emotional and mental health
SLCN Speech, language and communication needs
HI Hearing impairment
VI Vision impairment
MSI Multi-sensory impairment
PD Physical disability
ASD Autistic spectrum disorder
OTH Other difficulties/disability to be applied in exceptional circumstances where the primary type of need has not yet been established

Class activity (primary and all-through schools only)

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AR Art, craft or design
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