Department For Education
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You can also download a spreadsheet of all the information we ask for (ODS, 16KB).
All data items are present within management information systems (MIS), but they may be implemented and named in different ways. Therefore, wed recommend you also consult your MIS guidance for further information.
We ask all schools for their:
- local authority number
- departmental establishment number
- school name
- school phase - find your school phase code
- type of school - find your school type code
- maximum year group
- minimum year group
- intake type - find your intake type code
- governance - find your governance code
- school telephone number
School email address
The email address for official communications must be present and include the character @. The email address you provide must be for an account that is used on a regular basis and one that the headteacher has access to, such as head@ or office@.
This would not normally be an email address that identifies a particular individual by name.
We may use this email address for future correspondence.
You only need to send us this data in the spring census.
Only special schools need to send us this information.
Whether the school:
- mainly provides accommodation for day pupils
- mainly provides accommodation for boarding pupils
- is a hospital school
Maximum day pupils
The highest number of day pupils the school is approved to have.
Maximum boarding pupils
The highest number of boarding pupils the school is approved to have.
Minimum age - boys
The youngest boys can be to attend your school.
Maximum age - boys
The oldest boys can be to attend your school.
Minimum age - girls
The youngest girls can be to attend your school.
Maximum age - girls
The oldest girls can be to attend your school.
School SEN type (as used in the school census)
The type of special educational needs (SEN) your school is approved to make provision for.
You only need to send us this data in the spring census.
Only AP schools (including PRUs) need to send us this information.
Child mother indicator
Whether an AP school (including PRUs) has provision for child mothers.
Teenage mother places
How many places for teenage mothers an AP school (including PRUs) has.
Childcare facilities indicator
Whether the PRU or AP has childcare facilities.