
Correspondence: DfE major projects: appointment letters for Senior Responsible Owners

Department For Education

January 20
15:32 2025

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Each government department publishes the letters of appointment for their GMPP Senior Responsible Owners (SROs). These letters include the date of appointment, the project deliverables, what the SRO is responsible for and how long the role is expected to last.

The guidance for officials giving evidence to Parliamentary Select Committees, known as the Osmotherly Rules, was updated on 17 October 2014. As part of this update, we are committed to publishing GMPP SRO letters of appointment.

Updates to this page

Published 27 May 2015
Last updated 20 January 2025 +show all updates
  1. Updated 'T Levels: SRO appointment letter' with the letter appointing Rebekah Chatwin and Jane Belfourd as joint interim SROs for T Levels.

  2. Added 'National Tutoring Programme: SRO appointment letter'.

  3. Updated 'Initial teacher training reform (ITT reform) project: SRO appointment letter' due to a change in Senior Responsible Owner.

  4. Updated 'Higher technical education programme: SRO appointment letter' due to a change in Senior Responsible Owner.

  5. Updated 'School rebuilding programme: SRO appointment letter' due to a change in Senior Responsible Owner.

  6. Replaced 'T Levels: SRO re-appointment letter' with 'T Levels: SRO appointment letter'.

  7. 'FE Capital Transformation programme: SRO appointment' , 'Higher Technical Education (HTE) programme: SRO appointment' and 'T Levels: SRO re-appointment' letters have been added.

  8. The Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE) programme, Teacher Development Reform (TDR) programme and Initial Teacher Training Reform (ITT Reform) project SRO appointment letters were added.

  9. Added new SRO appointment letter - School Rebuilding Programme.

  10. Added 'Schools commercial: SRO appointment letter'.

  11. Added 'Early Career Framework and National Professional Qualification programmes: SRO appointment letter'.

  12. Updated 'Apprenticeships: SRO appointment letter'.

  13. Added 'Student Loans Company, Evolve programme: SRO appointment letter'.

  14. Replaced 'T Levels: SRO appointment letter' with an updated version.

  15. Added 'Social Work England (SWE): SRO appointment letter'.

  16. Added Priority School Building Programme 2: SRO appointment letter

  17. Added apprenticeship reform programme Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) appointment letter.

  18. SRO appointment letter for T Levels added. Removed SRO appointment letter for the priority school building programme phase 1 as this has now finished. Removed SRO appointment letter for the priority school building programme phase 2 for updating due to change in SRO.

  19. First published.

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