Department For Education
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When you submit your school census data on COLLECT, the system runs a number of validation checks against the data. It will highlight any errors or queries in red against the relevant data item.
Youll get an error when data rules are broken - for example, when:
- the return contains an illegal character
- a value may be out of range
- data is missing
You must correct all errors.
Youll get a query where the data is unusual or unexpected, which could mean an inaccuracy or omission in the data - for example, where:
- no pupils are reported as having special educational needs
- there is a probability of data being omitted, such as suspensions or permanent exclusions
You must investigate all queries and either:
- amend the data
- provide suitable notepad explanations in COLLECT
Your software may contain data checks, which will help you to identify and correct errors and inconsistencies in your data before it generates your school census return.
Along with the school summary, errors and queries, there are a number of reports in COLLECT that you should use to check your data.
You can view the errors and queries from within (or once youve opened) the school census return in COLLECT.
Click on all errors at the top of the screen to see a list of all errors and queries relating to your return.
Click on the details button to see which data items the validation is checking. If you click on one of the underlined fields, youll see the corresponding data item in the return.
There are 2 levels of errors, return level and data item level. Return level errors relate to your whole return, rather than an individual data item.
You can identify which data contains the incorrect value by clicking on the field value in the details section in COLLECT.
To resolve errors, we recommend that schools correct the data in their management information system (MIS), then reload their data collection file to COLLECT, overwriting the incorrect one.
You need to provide explanatory information for individual queries as a note on COLLECT. All queries need an explanation, but you can enter one note to cover numerous queries.
You can add notes in the return level notes section. COLLECT guides for schools and local authorities are available for assistance.
To add a return level note, double-click on the pen or notepad (where there is already a note present) icon in the return level notes section.
Click add new note.
Type the error or query number along with your explanation in the box provided, ensuring you provide an explanation for all of your unresolvable errors and queries.
Click create to save your notes. Once saved, youre unable to edit the note - however, you can add further notes to supplement throughout the collection.
List of COLLECT queries and explanatory notes to help you complete the school census (ODS, 35KB)
The school census data will be used to finalise funding allocations. Its important that you check the accuracy of your schools returns before you submit them.
There are a number of reports in COLLECT that you should use to check your data.
You can access your reports using the launch reports button on the school source page of COLLECT. Some reports only get updated overnight.
Find out how to run these reports in the COLLECT guides for schools and local authorities.
Pupil number report
This provides a headcount of your pupils by national curriculum year group, the headcount of your pupils minus subsidiary registrations and the number
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