Department For Culture Media Sport
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This page lists ad-hoc statistics released during the period October - December 2024. These are additional analyses not currently included in any of the Department for Culture, Media and Sports standard publications.
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December 2024 - DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates: Art and Antiques Market
This is an ad-hoc release that provides economic estimates for the art and antiques market. This release includes estimates for the art and antiques market for:
- Gross value added (GVA), 2010 to 2022, and provisional estimates for 2023. This includes estimates in current prices and in chained volume measures (data in real terms) for comparisons over time.
- Employment (number of filled jobs), 2011 to 2023: this includes a breakdown by employment type (employed or self-employed)
- Imports and exports of goods, 2016 to 2021
These statistics for the art and antiques market show that:
GVA was provisionally estimated to be 0.8 billion in 2023.
There were 39,000 filled jobs in 2023.
Exports of goods totalled 3.5 billion and imports of goods totalled 1.3 billion in 2021.
These economic estimates are produced in line with our Economic Estimates series for Annual GVA, Employment and Trade but the art and antiques market is not included in our routine estimates.
The definitions used for the art and antiques market are included in Table 1 in each of the data tables. We welcome feedback on these definitions, please contact with any comments.