
Regulation: Withdrawn MAA regulatory notices (RN)

Military Aviation Authority

April 25
06:09 2024

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Published 14 November 2014
Last updated 25 April 2024 +show all updates
  1. MAA/RN/2023/06 - Environmental Protection Regulation for Defence Aviation Activities has been withdrawn.

  2. MAA/RN/2019/04, MAA/RN/2020/10, MAA/RN/2020/13, MAA/RN/2021/12, MAA/RN/2023/01, MAA/RN/2023/02, MAA/RN/2023/03 and MAA/RN/2024/02 have been withdrawn.

  3. MAA/RN/2023/04: Guidance for the Regulated Community on RA 2330 - Low Flying - Issue 5 has been withdrawn.

  4. MAA/RN/2022/04 - Operational guidance on rights of way for formations has been withdrawn.

  5. MAA/RN/2021/11 - MAA General Guidance for Cyber Security for Airworthiness has been withdrawn as RA 1202 and RA 5890 have now been published. See NAA 23/23.

  6. MAA/RN/2022/05: Changes to the MAA Regulatory Publication Schedule has been withdrawn.

  7. MAA/RN/2022/03: MAA International Engagement and Recognition Divisions Programme of Work - Financial Year 22/23 and MAA/RN/2022/02: The MAAs Programme of Work (PoW) for Regulations Financial Year 22/23 have been withdrawn.

  8. MAA/RN/2022/01 Transition of Regulatory Article (RA) 1220 to the 5000 Series has been withdrawn.

  9. MAA/RN/2021/03 - Implementation plan for Regulatory Article (RA) 1207 (Air Safety Data Management and Exploitation) has been withdrawn.

  10. MAA/RN/2015/08(DTech) - Recognition of other military airworthiness regulators and MAA/RN/2020/12 - Use of Existing Organization Approvals as Evidence Towards Demonstrating Compliance for Contracting with Competent Organizations have been withdrawn and replaced with the new Manual of Military Airworthiness Recognition (MMAR).

  11. MAA/RN/2021/05 - MAA Regulation Division Programme of Work Financial Year 21/22 has been withdrawn.

  12. MAA/RN/2021/08 - ??Implementation plan for Regulatory Article (RA) 1208: Flight Data Monitoring has been withdrawn.

  13. ?MAA/RN/2020/15 - ?Implementation Plan for Type Airworthiness Engineering 5000 Series and 1310 Regulatory Article Update, ??MAA/RN/2021/09? - Implementation plan for Regulatory Articles 1006 (Delegation of Engineering Authorizations), 1016 (Military Continuing Airworthiness Management) and 4945 (Personnel Requirements - MRP Part M Sub Part G) and MAA/RN/2021/10 - Advance notice of changes to Regulatory Article (RA) 4809 Acceptance of Components (MRP 145.A.42) have been withdrawn.

  14. MAA/RN/2016/11 - Use of existing certification evidence as credit towards demonstrating compliance with the military air systems certification process, MAA/RN/2019/02 - Comparison of Defence Standard 00-970 with Alternative Airworthiness Codes and MAA/RN/2021/04 - ?Implementation plan for Regulatory Articles 2120 (Pilots Instrument Rating Scheme) and 2380 (Performance Based Navigation Operations) have been withdrawn.

  15. MAA/RN/2016/07 - Standard for second party assurance organizations, MAA/RN/2019/09 - Implementation Plan for Regulatory Article 1205 - Air System Safety Cases Issue 7, MAA/RN/2020/08 - Aircraft Post Crash Management Interim Update, MAA/RN/2020/18 - Implementation Plan and Supporting Material for Test and Evaluation Regulatory Article 2370 Issue 5 and MAA/RN/2021/07 - Draft AEP-89 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Systems Airworthiness Requirements (USAR) for Light Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Aircraft Request for Industry and Academia Comments have all been withdrawn.

  16. MAA/RN/2015/13 (D TECH) Redevelopment of defence standard 00-970, MAA/RN/2017/01 Use of the obsolescent RA 1500 initial issue certification of UK military registered air systems, MAA/RN/2019/01 Changes to the MAA Regulatory Publication Schedule, MAA/RN/2019/14 Implementation Plan for Regulatory Article (RA) 1166 UK Civil-Registered Aircraft Utilized by the Ministry of Defence, MAA/RN/2020/04 Regulatory Compliance in Response to COVID-19 Restrictions, MAA/RN/2020/05 Remotely Piloted Air Systems Regulation update and transitional arrangements and MAA/RN/2020/14 Regulatory Compliance in Response to COVID-19 Restrictions - Update have all been withdrawn.

  17. MAA/RN/2020/03 - The implications of leaving the European Union on compliance with the Military Aviation Authority Regulatory Publications has been withdrawn.

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